Better choice for kids
When a kid is riding the balance bike, feet are always on the ground. There are no pedals, kids is constantly balancing on their legs,which can prevent them from gaining too much speed.They aee developing balance and coordination better than on any other kind of bike. When it comes time to transition to a two-wheeled bicycle with pedals, balance bikers do better, faster, and more securely than the training-wheeled kids.
The balance bike requires minimal assembly and basically no maintenance. The handles and seat post are adjustable. No pedals and no brake mean no upkeep.
Safety Considerations
Ensure that this balance bike is only used in suitable play areas and never near stairs, on steep ground or near swimming pools or other bodies of water. By the way,we advise you to use a helmet for kid’s noggin when he/she is riding the bike.
quick release clamps No-tools needed for quick assembly and no tools needed for seat and handlebar adjustment
For kids from 2 to 7 years old with adjustable seat posts( from 11.5 to 15.4 inches)
12″ EVA tires roll smoothly on even surfaces,designed for a quiet ride and long lasting durability.
Thick cushion seat for a comfortable ride,gives your little baby more Considerate care.
tires, light weight and easy to maintenance
Handlebar adujust from 18.5in-22.5in
Seat adujust from 11.5in-15.4in
Steel Frame, high-strength tube
Max Load : 66lbs
Net /Gross Weight : 6.4lbs/9.4lbs
Packing Size 28.35*6.3*13.19in
Product Size: 34.25*14.56*18.50in