KRIDDO Kids Tricycles Age 24 Month to 4 Years, Toddler Kids Trike for 2.5 to 5 Year Old, Gift Toddler Tricycles for 2-4 Year Olds, Trikes for Toddlers, Pink Price:  Original price was: $62.99.Current price is: $49.99. (as of 20/04/2023 05:33 PST- Details)

TODDLER TRICYCLE – KRIDDO kids tricycle is designed for 18-36 month toddler girls & boys who are curious and exited to explore the world, it helps to develop kids’ steering skills, steering and coordination at an early age. KRIDDO kids trike for 2 year old let your kids enjoy riding and gain confidence, as well as develop muscle strength, it’s a fun gift for your little ones.
IMPROVED ROLL-OVER PREVENTION – This interactive toddler trike for 2-3 years features a smarter triangular design with extended rear wheels, wider wheelbase to help prevent tipping or rolling over when kids are learning to ride.
EASY-TO-CARRY SEAT AND COMFORTABLE GRIPS – The ergonomic design of our kid’s trike boasts a comfier seat for small bottoms, the design makes it easy to carry around. The smooth edges and non-slip handle grip also provide them better support during early learning active play.

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