This is a great mid size go kart for kids. It’s not as small as the starter go karts we sell, it is a step up from those and will fit larger children.
It has some great features including a 200cc 6.5 Horse Power motor, heavy duty frame and upgraded bench seats. Some great safety features include a sturdy roll cage as well as a speed limiter and kill switch. The brakes are great and will stop the go kart well.
The back of the seat to the pedal is right at 33″ and is non adjustable. This go kart uses regular gas and will last you a long time as long as you keep up with the maintenance!
Please contact sell for color options
Engine type: 4-stroke, single cylinder, air cooled, Displacement: 200cc, 9.6 lb ft/2500rpm, Max speed: 31mph
Ignition: CDI, Starting system: Manual Pull Start, Engine oil: SAE 15W-40
Clutch: Automatic CVT, Driveline / Driving wheel: Chain / Dual wheel drive, Suspension, F / R: – / Double Oil Damped Shock, Tires, F / R: 145/70-6 / 16×6-8
Weight, G.W. / N.W.: 386 / 330 lbs, Max load: 400 lbs, Wheelbase: 48.4 inches, OA L x W x H: 67×43.3×51.2 inches, Pedal to seat back distance: 31.5 to 34.5 inches